Capri Club Norge – annual meeting 2025

For Norwegian, click here

Place: Norsjø Ferieland
Date: 15-17 august 2025

This year’s big highlight and the weekend where we really hope to see you and your Capri is naturally at our annual national meeting. The trend for number of attendees has increased year by year and we hope to see the trend continue this year as well. It is still one year to the meeting so more information will be published during the autumn. Welcome to a nice and social meeting!


First Camp Norsjø
When you try to book a cabin remember to state that you are going to the Capri meeting. It is not possible to book online as Capri Club Norge has reserved all the cabins.
Tel +47 35 95 84 30.
The camping site prefer that you order by sending them an email. If you call them you might be forwarded to the swedish headquarter and they do not have all the details.

Camping Map:×2048.jpg

Norsjø Hotell
Norsjø Hotel is also an option and is located 1,3km from Norsjø Ferieland.
They are now working on refurbishing the hotel and are not accepting bookings at this time. We expect them to accept bookings during Q1 2025. Capri Club Norge will have close contact with them and we will publish information as soon as we have it on this website, on Facebook and in the members’ magazine.

Google maps to the meeting:,+Liagrendvegen+71,+3812+Akkerhaugen/@59.3875393,9.2610409,17z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x464736f7319d46a9:0x18db14f24ed3ee4d!2m2!1d9.2632683!2d59.3876129!3e0


The program will be published later this autumn

Both friday and saturday we will have dinner together in the cafeteria. More information will be published later this autumn

There is a small kiosk in First Camp Norsjø where you can buy some groceries. But we recommend you to buy food for breakfast, etc before you arrive in Norsjø. E.g. in Gvarv, 7 km before Norsjø.

Credit card can be used in the club shop, the kiosk held by the Capri Club on Saturday and to pay for the dinner.
You will need NOK 100,- for check in with the Capri on Saturday morning. We will also have a lottery on Saturday evening, To buy tickets in the lottery you can use cash or Capri Club Norway vouchers.

Capri Club Norway vouchers can be bought in the Club shop on Saturday. These can be used as payment in the kiosk or at the Lottery. If you don’t have cash, we recommend you to buy these vouchers.


  • 1-3. Best original MK I
  • 1-3. Best original MK II
  • 1-3. Best original MK III
  • 1-3. Best modified MK I
  • 1-3. Best modified MK II
  • 1-3. Best modified MK III
  • This year’s newcomer
  • Longest travel Norwegian Capri
  • Longest travel foreign Capri
  • People Choice Original Capri
  • People Choice Modified Capri
  • People Choice guest class
  • Best original Capri – Alle classes

We also welcome other Ford veterans to the meeting!

Contact person:

Inge Lirhus
Chairman, Capri Club Norge
Tlf: +47 95 81 69 42. E-post: